Tuesday, September 14, 2010

American Photography History

    I think it is interesting how when theres a bad storm like a tornado or even a fire, people miss their pictures the most. I can see why though. Pictures are how memories are passed on. An example is you would never know what your grandparents or great grandparents looked like if all your pictures got lost or destroyed. Pictures also can be of emotional memories, like at a funeral of a loved one, or the birth of your child. I always see pictures at my grandmas house and there of her grandparents and her parents, and she always has an interesting story to go with every picture. They make her so happy when she finds them and remembers what was happening. A picture is worth a thousand words.

    The vietnam war photos were very intriguing. I can understand how people remember the pictures forever once the have seen them, because i have seen some holocaust pictures and they are very memorable. the picture below is a famous picture from the vietnam war. It is of a girl who was badly burned, and she was running down the street and screaming.
You can see the terror on her face. there are american soldiers walking behind her.

   I also find it interesting how people had to send their whole cameras back to kodak to get their film developed and new film in it. The pictures they did brush strokes over while they were still drying were very cool looking. They looked like handmade art.
    The camera below is the first camera the public could use to take pictures of their every day life. It is called the Brownie, and it cost $1.

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